If I had I would make Capital Printing Enterprises such as photocopy, binding, scanning, photo printing, etc.. I will be looking for a strategic place in the printing business established in areas such as Around Campus.
Banyakmya Students who need to make Printing Services inspiration for me to make a lot despite Printing Services Printing Services Business that others will not make a turnover decline due to increasing number of Mahasiswapun now and Relatid most students do not like Queued too long so they are looking for a quiet place that photocopy.
I will make the effort Steam (washing) Motorcycle & Cars in Edge "way. Quantity Number of vehicles currently being itself an advantage of Motor Vehicles Most owners Males wash his personal vehicle because alesan time and effort.
With membuakan Enterprises & Car Wash Motor Vehicles can also simultaneously provide field work for people who need a job so this effort is very useful for many people.